Saturday 29 October 2011

Narrative breakdown of the composition of the video

The stage- 0:00 – 1:23
Verse 1- Here we will be keeping to the technique of using performance based; focusing on the main vocalist on stage, singing through the microphone. We will be using lighting to focus on the main vocalist, as many soul/jazz music videos usually do, for example  Adele and her music videos. The location we have decided for this scene is the school hall.
At this point of the song she begins to walk toward the exit door, exiting into an unknown alleyway where she begins to walk, this is when the chorus starts.
The chorus ends at 2:09 where she reaches the main road and begins to walk on the street. At this point we will be hearing a guitar solo which plays for 43 seconds, during this time we will be showing shots of the street.
The camera will then go back to the main actress, focusing on her for 16 seconds.
Verse 2 – Actress walks through the streets for 15 seconds and then picks up some balloons from a man selling them and carries on walking.
Chorus plays again. Here she is walking up a hill, when she gets near the top she lets go of the balloons and the camera focuses on the helium balloons floating.
The idea of this song focuses on her wandering around feeling isolated from the strangers that walk past her, feeling lost in this world, not knowing where her place is.

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