Thursday 27 October 2011

Audience Questionnaire.

For my Media Studies coursework I am producing a music video, I would appreciate it if you could take a moment of your time to fill out this questionnaire in order for me to conduct my Coursework successfully, Thank you.

1.       Gender?
Female [  ]        Male [  ]

2.       Age?
14-16[  ]      17-19[  ]        20-23[  ]        24+ [  ]

3.       What genres of music do you listen to?
R&B [  ]       Hip-Hop [  ]        Rap [  ]        Pop [  ]        Rock [  ]        Indie [  ]        Country [  ]
Metal [  ]         Dance [  ]       Jazz [  ]        Soul [  ]       Classical [  ]       

4.       Do you watch music videos?
Yes [  ]       No [  ]

5.       If yes, how do you consume music videos?
YouTube [  ]        We7 [  ]        MySpace [  ]        Yahoo music [  ]        MTV [  ]
VIVA [  ]      

6.       How often do you watch music videos?
Daily [  ]        Weekly [  ]        Monthly [  ]        Yearly [  ]

7.       When watching a music video does it make a difference to the song?
Yes [  ]         No [  ]        Not sure [  ]

8.       Do you prefer  narrative, concept or performance based music video
Narrative [  ]        Concept [  ]        Performance [  ]

9.       Do you prefer music videos with special effects or a simple music video?
Special effects [  ]        Simple [  ]

10.   Do you prefer a music video with bright lighting or natural lighting?
Bright lighting [  ]         Natural lighting [  ]

11.   What puts you off a music video?
Products placement [  ]        Foul language [  ]        Inappropriate images [  ]      
Not relating to song [  ]        Unrealistic [  ]

12.   Do you prefer a music video that adheres to stereotypes or differs?
Adheres [  ]        Differs [  ]

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