Saturday 29 October 2011

Graphs for questionnaire.


This was the first question. I handed out the questionnaire to 30 people which you can see included 15 males and 15 females; I surveyed both males and females as I am targeting both genders.


I surveyed people ranging from the age of 15-19 as that age range are more into music and I wanted to get their views.

What genres of music do you listen to?

 This is an important question as it allows me to recognise the most popular genre and which i will be choosing to use. We can see that the top three were: Hip-Hop, Rap and Soul.

How do you consume music videos?
This question was placed in order to recognise how people mostly consume their music videos in order for me to know where would be most successful if I were to publish my music video. It is clearly shown that most people consume their music videos online from sites such as YouTube and MySpace

When watching a music video does it make a difference to the song?

This  question was placed in order to see people's views on music videos. As the majority have said yes, I will have to be careful with producing my music video in order to insure people are not put off when watching it.

Do you prefer narrative, concept or performance based music video?

This is an important question as with this information I am able to produce a successful music video to suit my target audience and to drag their attention. From the results, we can see that the majority liked narrative, a lot also liked performance based.

What puts you off a music video?

From these results, I will be able to produce a music video avoiding the elements that put people off from watching a music video. I will be making sure that the video relates to the song,  I will also be avoiding inappropriate images and foul language.

Do you prefer a music video that adheres to stereotypes or differs?

The results here were close but the majority prefer a music video that differs to stereotypes therefore I will be trying to produce a video that differs to the conventional stereotypes of my genre.

Do you prefer a music video with bright lighting or natural lighting?

The majority prefer natural lighting, this links to an answer I got from a previous question where I asked 'what puts you off a music video?' one of the top answer was 'unrealistic'. From these results, I now recognise that people prefer a video to be natural and realistic which is therefore what i will be going for.

Do you prefer music videos with special effects or a simple music video?
This is an important question so I know whether to add effects to my music video or not in order to appeal to my target audience, allowing my video to be successful. The majority have said they prefer special effects, from gathering this information I will try and include this into my video.

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