Tuesday 3 April 2012

Moving Onto Evaluation Questions

I have now completely finished my final products consisting of the Magazine Advert, Front & Back CD Cover and Inlay Cards and will now move on to working on my evaluation work where I will be answering four questions about my work, these questions are;

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I will be answering these questions using presentations and slide-shows to be able to organize my work more efficiently.

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 4

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Magazine Advert Development

Development Of Front Album Cover

Development Of Inlay Card 2

Step By Step Of Inlay Card 1

Step By Step Of Final Back Cover

Back Cover Idea 4

We like the overall effect of this. The only thing we did not like about this back cover is that we thought it was a little too dark and maybe needed some colour, for this reason we did not use this as our final back cover.

Back Cover Idea 3

We liked this image of the artist, we liked the idea of using her holding the balloons from the back. However, we thought it was a little too messy and all over the place. We also thought it had too much colour.

Back Cover Idea 2

We tried to keep the same image as Idea 1 but change it into a black and white image as we thought there was too much colour last time. This time we thought there was too little colour, however, we preferred this font and thought it went well with the genre.  

Back cover idea 1

This was one of our ideas for the back cover of the CD. We liked the idea of having the balloons on the back cover. However, we didn't like it as a whole, we thought the font did not go very well with our genre, we laso thought that the image was too bright for the song as it is a slightly sad song, we thought we should keep the colours to a minimum.

Magazine Advert - Idea 1

Park Scene Pictures

Possible Locations

Pland/Design For Front Cover

Plans/Design for back cover

Plans/Design for magazine advert

Generic Codes And Conventions

Technical codes
Many two shots can be used to show the two people (Boy and Girl) together (highlights romanticism that couple share).
- Tracking shots and performance shots of the artist towards their "lover" in the video is also generic and will convey their relationship to higher gravity, virtue and significance.
Symbolic codes
- Interactions with the other model who is playing the part of the lover such as; touching, holding, deep stares into their eyes and a common generic symbolic code is when a male/female holds their partners chin and gazes into their eyes as an example.
Many long and establishing shots can be used to show the main artist walking alone, feeling isolated from everyone else.
-Many shots of the main artist on stage doing live performances, singing with emotion and body gestures that relate to the lyrics of the song
-Composition of the performance in one place, this would be on stage, holding a microphone.

Generic conventions
Items of Mise en scene such as simple clothes, saxophones, guitars, pianos and microphones are all generic for an R&B/Hip-Hop video.
Clothing will be of the stereotypical attire for the main artist such as simple dark clothe, jeans and a top,  a simple black dress, natural hair either in a bun or left out, connoting sophistication and simplicity, this is in order to fit into the conventions of the genre appropriately and aim at our target audience well.
Dark, deep colours are often used to portray feelings of the artist. Black and white is also used a lot in soul/jazz videos.
Bright and vibrant colours will also be used to portray the artist’s feelings at certain times in the video, near to the end, portraying that the artist is free and on the path to happiness. 
Simple colours are mainly used in this genre as the focus is mainly on the song and not the image of the artist
Soul/Jazz videos tend to be interchanging between performance based and narrative based, mainly consisting of performance based.